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Is Medical Marijuana the New Alternative Treatment for Severe Health Conditions?

Mar 8

For years, medical marijuana has been the subject of debate in the world of medicine. Some have praised it as a potential treatment for severe health conditions, while others remain skeptical and question its safety and effectiveness. As research on this topic continues to evolve, there is an increasing interest in understanding if medical marijuana in Missouri can be used as an efficient alternative therapy for specific illnesses such as pain management, epilepsy, anxiety, and depression, among many others. In this post, we explore the latest evidence surrounding medical cannabis so you can make informed decisions about your care and recovery.

What is Medical Marijuana?

Medical marijuana has been used to treat medical conditions for centuries, yet today we are increasingly aware of the therapeutic potential of cannabis-derived cannabinoids. THC produces the sensation of being 'high,' while the non-psychoactive compound CBD offers excellent healing properties, including anti-inflammation, pain relief, and reduced anxiety. Patients prescribed medical marijuana can benefit from specific amounts of THC and CBD depending on their condition, improving their quality of life.

The Legal Status of Medical Marijuana

The legal situation surrounding medical marijuana is an ever-shifting landscape, making it difficult for researchers and medical professionals to keep up. It's a complicated issue – while many states in the US have legalized medical marijuana, its use is still not accepted federally. It has real ramifications for patients as they face potential legal consequences if they utilize this treatment option, making researching the drug much more arduous. Consequently, even though medical marijuana could benefit those seeking relief from their afflictions, these laws will continue to pose a substantial barrier until a finalized conclusion is reached.

The Potential Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Despite its legal status, medical marijuana has been found to have potential benefits for a range of medical conditions. Here are just a few:

  • Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a fact of life for many people and can be incredibly difficult to manage. Thankfully, medical marijuana has been found to combat chronic pain effectively. Research suggests that the cannabinoids found in marijuana interact with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system leading to lessened pain and improved quality of life, making medical marijuana an increasingly sought-after form of relief. If you are struggling with chronic pain, it's worth talking to your doctor about whether medical marijuana might be the right choice.

  • Cancer

Cancer is a formidable disease that affects people worldwide, but research has shown that medical marijuana may be able to help. A recent study indicates that marijuana possesses anti-tumor properties, contributing to the potential of its ability to cure cancer in some cases. This finding marks a significant advance in our journey toward treating and curing this devastatingly widespread illness.

  • Multiple Sclerosis

Living with multiple sclerosis can be an arduous and painful journey. Those who suffer from progressive disease may find relief in the form of medical marijuana. Studies have shown that cannabis can help reduce symptoms such as muscle spasticity and pain associated with this incurable illness. Furthermore, it has been hailed for its potential to improve the quality of life for MS patients.

  • Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the brain and produces seizures; however, recent research explores a novel treatment for those who suffer from it. CBD, a compound found in marijuana, has been found to reduce or eliminate epileptic seizures. This discovery shows promise for those in desperate need of an effective way to control their symptoms. For many of these individuals, CBD oil—which contains high levels of cannabidiol—has given them hope for a better quality of life by easing their epilepsy-related pain and suffering.

  • Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a potentially blinding eye condition caused by high intraocular pressure due to fluid buildup. Fortunately, medical marijuana may offer supportive relief for glaucoma patients. Research has shown that marijuana can assist in decreasing pressure within the eye, significantly improving visual clarity and even decreasing the risk of blindness.

The Drawbacks of Medical Marijuana

While medical marijuana has potential benefits, it's essential also to consider the drawbacks. Here are a few to keep in mind:

  • Side Effects

Like any medication, medical marijuana can have side effects. These can include dizziness, dry mouth, and impaired coordination.

  • Addiction

While marijuana is not physically addictive, it can be psychologically addictive for some users.

  • Legal Issues 

As mentioned earlier, medical marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, which can create legal issues for patients who use it.

  • Lack of Regulation 

Because the FDA does not regulate medical marijuana, there is a lack of consistency in the quality and potency of different strains.

Getting a Medical Marijuana Prescription

Are you considering medical marijuana as an alternative treatment option? We'd recommend you start by having a conversation with your doctor. Most states require a prescription from a doctor for those hoping to get their hands on some medical marijuana and also need you to have at least one qualifying medical condition. Getting the correct paperwork in order is key to taking advantage of this potential treatment.

Using Medical Marijuana Safely

If you decide to use medical marijuana, it's important to use it safely. Here are a few tips:

  • Start with a Low Dose

Start with a low dose and gradually increase it until you find the right one.

  • Choose the Right Strain

Different strains of marijuana have different effects, so it's essential to choose the right one for your needs.

  • Avoid Smoking

Smoking marijuana can adversely affect your lungs, so consider other consumption methods, such as edibles or vaporizers.

  • Avoid Driving

Marijuana can impair your coordination and reaction time, so it's important to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery while under the influence of medical marijuana.

  • Store it Safely

If you have children or pets, it's essential to store your medical marijuana safely. Keep it in a secure location where children or pets cannot access it.

  • Be Honest with Your Doctor

If you're using medical marijuana, be honest with your doctor. Your doctor needs to know about all of the medications and treatments you're using so they can provide you with the best possible care.

  • Monitor Your Symptoms

It's important to monitor your symptoms when using medical marijuana. Keep track of how you feel before and after taking your medication, and report any changes to your doctor.

Final Word

In conclusion, based on the evidence examined, it seems clear that medical marijuana has made a difference in many individuals with severe health conditions. It provides several benefits, such as relief from pain and nausea, improved appetite, and better overall quality of life. However, as with other treatments or medications, there are risks and possible side effects. Therefore, it is important to consult a healthcare provider before using medical marijuana to ensure it is safe and appropriate for individual needs. While further research is needed to fully understand the benefits and drawbacks associated with medical marijuana use, early studies suggest that its use could benefit many individuals with debilitating health conditions.